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Tabetha Shofner

Certified Consultant

(254) 316-1528

My Story

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you are having a FABULOUS day!

Just eight years ago I embarked on this new and exciting journey starting my own business. I am married to the most amazing man named Jeremy and I have a 9 year old daughter named Cheyenne. I work full time in addition to running my own business. Busy! Busy! Busy! - Yes I am a busy person but that it what is so great! Busy people meet a lot of people therefore I am able to share these great products and this opportunity with a lot of people. 

To be honest I had never really thought about selling Scentsy before. I had a friend who started selling and this was shortly after I had mentioned to her that I was going to start, well I didn't and when I saw she started, it kind of stole my thunder. So I just helped her out and purchased my very first Scentsy item, I fell IN LOVE. Around that Halloween, another friend of mine asked me to help out with a party, so of course I helped her and I told her I had no intentions on selling.  After I had a great party for her, I had people contacting me asking me when I was going to do another party. A few commented that they wished it was me selling Scentsy because they knew me not who they had ordered from before. Well this got me thinking, I can do this! I started praying a lot about this wondering if this was the right direction for me. Well, it just felt right which was my answer I needed.

I started researching the company and found that there are some wonderful opportunities for growth and it was not a lot to get started. Another thing I truly loved was that it was not expected to carry stock nor were the host gifts coming out of my earning, they were coming directly from the company - A HUGE PLUS!!! After a call to the corporate office with a few questions, I did it... I am now an Independent Scentsy Consultant.

So far I have met some beautiful and awesome people and I am ready to blaze forward with this opportunity for my family. All of this is possible because of a small investment into the GRAND future of our lives. I have come to learn though working with Scentsy that this company is an AMAZING company. Here you are truly treated like family.

When asked, "Why do you sell Scensty?” the answer is simple. Scensty is a business I am passionate about, it is what I LOVE to do! Scensty fills me with waves of emotion and excitement that I just have to talk about. You see when you are doing something you LOVE, it is not a job, it's just plain FUN!!!

There are some on our team that are full-time moms, some that work full time and just want that extra income to pay for a vacation or credit card debt, some just do it for fun, and some are working toward their new full time career with Scentsy like me.

·     Catalog Consultants: Share with neighbors, friends and relatives mostly through online & catalog orders. Do you like the idea of earning a little extra money?

·      Hobby Consultants: Loves doing parties and earning extra money when it’s convenient. You may have a few parties some months and skip other months.

·      Part-time Consultants: Wishes to make a specific income to pay for an ongoing expense or goal. Regularly have one or two parties a week.

·      Career Consultants: Views their business as a valuable career, knowing it can provides a full-time income. Pursues leadership.

JOIN OUR TEAM!!! Open the door to the possibilities that are endless!

So what is holding you back? Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to live out your Dreams? Make a little extra money? Travel?  Party for a Living? Make long-lasting friendships? Maximize your own potential? Have Fun?


Please let me know if there are any of the AMAZING products I can get you or if you would like to know more about this TERRIFIC opportunity of your own. You won't regret it!!!


I am personally "in the arena" every day with my Scentsy Business. I invest my time and energy to my team.

XOXO -  Tabetha


Contact me Today!!!

Buy – Host – Join – Fundraisers

Tabetha Lewis – Independent Scentsy Consultant

Call or Text: 254.316.1528

Email me at

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